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Poached Fish Fillet


Suitable for: 8 months to 10 months old baby




Cooking Method and Preparation:

Step 1: Bring water to simmer (with spices added) in a small frying pan or pot round enough to lay the fish flat.

Step 2: Pat filet dry with a paper towel.

Step 3: Add filet to the water in the pan and poach (simmer) the fish until it turns totally white.

Step 4: Remove from heat and let the fish sit for 5 minutes more to complete cooking.

Step 5: Chop, crumble or even mash or puree the poached fish and serve.

Tip: Consider poaching fish baby food recipes using a homemade stock to make it more flavourful.


Nutritional Value of 180g (1 Fillet) of Cod Fish:

1 Phosphorus 248 mg
2 Vitamin C 1.8 mg
3 Calcium 25.2 mg
4 Protein 41.1 g
5 Omega-3 fatty acids 310 mg
6 Potassium 439 mg


Remarks on Poached Fish Fillet:

Fish contain all 9 amino acids, which means that fish is one of the few sources of complete protein. Since our bodies do not make amino acids, we must get them from the foods we eat.

Fish is also an amazing source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which is essential for the development of babies and helps babies who have eczema or other skin ailments.

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